Mothers day

My mother left her country of birth and travelled to a foreign country to make a better life for me.
She learnt a new language and a new way of life.

She loved her children fiercely.
She would do anything for our  success in life.
She was my biggest fan.
She was a warm ear to share all my teenage stories with.

She always missed her own mother in Poland.
And longed for the life she left behind.

She loved nature.
And animals.

She made beautiful food.
And the best Christmases I have ever had.

She taught me how to love my children.

As I stumble through this whole motherhood thing,
I long for her words of advice and encouragement.
But all I have is her memory.
And a hope that I can be half the mother that she was to me.

Happy Mothers Day, Mamusz.

I have you forever in my heart.


  1. Inspiring. This is written so beautifully. I can only hope my children will someday feel the same of me. Happy Mother's Day to you.
    PS. Thank you for sharing over on my little blog.

  2. Happy Mothers day to you Ola! What a gorgeous photo and beautiful words for your Mum.

  3. Such a beautiful photograph of your mother. I can see the strength in her eyes. Beautiful reminisces, too. What a wonderful way to practice love and appreciation on this day.

    Happy Mother's Day.

  4. Miss you Mom! Happy Mother's day!

  5. Ela would be so proud of all that you have done for yourself and the family... I have her to thank for raising such a wonderful and strong woman.


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